A University for All: A Report and Call to Action from WLAC to the Board of Trustees

Click Here to Read the Report


The Why

W&L needs to change its name. However, beyond this truth, the University’s ties to the Confederacy and white supremacist culture remain present in multifarious ways -including the school’s social landscape.

How can I learn more?

We hosted a Community Forum on the Report and its appendices (expanded Calls to Action) on October 16th at 4pm EST. Until November 16th, you can listen to a recording of the Forum by entering passcode #&bV84G* at this link.

What are the Report and Appendices?

In our Report to the Board, we propose and support changing the university’s name while also addressing and sharing Calls to Action aimed at W&L’s problematic culture and administration policies. Our Appendices are published on this website as a living document of expanded Calls to Action, meant to serve as an extension of the Report and resource for the Board, as well as provide space for evolving demands and an ongoing dialogue within our community.

What if I agree with some parts but not all of the Report?

We encourage you to sign if the spirit of the Report is a call for change that you support! We know we cannot all agree on every bullet point or the best ways to initiate and address these complex problems, but we can stand together in asking for change. You may also propose amendments and give us feedback by clicking here. As a coalition, we try to represent a variety of viewpoints and would be grateful for your input.

How do these document relate to other letters and reports I’ve seen?

We stand in solidarity with the student demands here and the Not Unmindful letter here. The WLAC Report and its appendices are intended to extend and amplify these calls by providing a detailed argument for change based on data, personal experience, and the research of our Report Committee. Our demands outline the undeniable need for action while providing direction and recommendations to the Board and Administration.

Share it!

We want to engage with anyone interested in changing W&L for the better! Please share this site and information about the Report with friends, family and colleagues.

Follow us on Instagram: @wlacoalition


The Appendices are separate documents from the Report but born of the same spirit. The appendices will be a living addendum, and contain suggestions and ideas that are meant to serve as a resource to the Board of Trustees and administration, if they are serious about making W&L a more inclusive place. These expanded Calls to Action are meant to evolve, change and grow over time, based on input, research, and further insight from alumni, faculty, students and staff invested in transformative cultural change. To suggest changes, please fill out this form here. As an organization, we would like to provide the space for ongoing dialogue and a platform to integrate in marginalized voices; a space where varying ideas on positive social action are made available to our University and larger community.